Biological Sciences
Degree and award programs
The Biological Sciences curriculum provides the foundation for our majors: Biological Sciences, Bio-Medical Sciences and Natural History. Our two-year Associate Degrees are designed to provide the knowledge and skills for success before and after transfer to a four-year institution. Students who complete specialized one-year programs of study in Bio-Medical Sciences, Marine Science and Natural History can earn Biological Sciences Departmental Awards.
Our Biological Sciences Associate in Arts Degree provides preparation for transfer in such areas as Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Pharmacology, Cell Biology, Ecology, Marine Biology, Botany, Zoology, Medical Technology and Pre-Medicine. Students who plan on attending a California State University (CSU) can complete the transfer associate degree, Biology, Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T), and transfer with junior standing into the CSU system
The Bio-Medical Sciences Emphasis: Associate in Arts Degree in Liberal Arts provides a strong foundation for students interested in pursuing a career in the health sciences.
The Natural History Associate in Science Degree provides preparation for transfer in such areas as Natural History, Freshwater and Marine Fisheries and Wildlife Management. The Natural History A.S. can be completed fully online.
Special problems confront the student planning to transfer to a four-year college or university. Both General Education and major requirements differ from one institution to another and within a single institution by major emphasis. These differences, plus personal, educational and professional goals, employment and prior preparation, will influence the courses you take. You should work closely with your academic counselor and also visit one of the Biological Sciences Faculty Advisers, Eric Wise (EBS-324, 805.730.4317) and Blake Barron (EBS-322, 805.730.4244), for assistance in planning your program of study at SBCC. If you plan to transfer to either a UC or CSU campus, assist.org can guide you with your class choices. On the assist.org website you can see exactly which courses campuses recommend you take at SBCC for your major.
SBCC has its own General Education (GE) requirements for completion of the Associate of Arts/Science degree. Students who transfer without
completing an AA or AS degree from SBCC may still want to complete SBCC's GE requirements because
some 4-year schools use completion of the GE (or portions of it) as an admission screening
criteria for incoming transfer students. The best choice of GE classes at SBCC will
vary with the student's choice of transfer institution, major, previous course work
and personal preference. Learn more about your G.E. choices.
Students should make an appointment with a counselor or visit the University Transfer Center to discuss specific situations and be sure to right the choices are made. The University
Transfer Center can also help with your academic planning.

More information for students:
IGETC (Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) details the Lower Division
GE requirements for the California State Universities (CSU) and for the University
of California (UC) campuses. IGETC must be certified at SBCC. Students must request
this certification, which is sent to the transfer institution.
• Starfish Degree Planner
The Starfish Degree Planner is an electronic educational planning tool that allows you to check your status toward
an SBCC Degree or Certificate based on your SBCC coursework. Counselors prepare Student Educational Plans (SEPs) in this Degree Planner to help
students map out their pathways to their goals. Click HERE for step-by-step instructions to access the Starfish Degree Planner.
• assist.org
The official transfer and articulation system for California’s public colleges and
• SBCC's University Transfer Center and University Transfer Academy
The University Transfer Academy (TA) is a program that guides you through the process
and courses needed to qualify for guaranteed transfer to one of nineteen universities
by the most efficient and effective means possible.
• SBCC's Articulation Office
SBCC's Articulation Office provides support to students transferring to other colleges
and universities.