College faculty and staff [are learning] more about Latinx students' college experiences...and developing asset-based frameworks to foster student success.

Student-Ready: Degree Completion for the Flexible Learner
College is ready for you.
Student-Ready utilizes a holistic approach to create programs, services, and pathways for flexible students-those who move between full and part-time enrollment status and may be post-traditional students*. We commit to creating programs, services, and academic pathways for you-so that we can support your success. We are determined to create a college that is student-ready.
Student-Ready is a Title V, Part A Developing Hispanic Serving Institution (DHSI) grant (PR Award # P031S170129) funded by the U.S. Department of Education. To learn more about Title V, Part A Developing HSI, and other related programs, please visit the Office of Postsecondary Education, HSI Division.
* Post-traditional students are parenting, returning to college after some time away, and/or are working adults attending school part-time. Full-time enrollment is 12+ units, part-time enrollment is less than 12 units.

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